Friday, December 31, 2010

Not ready for primetime, yet . . .

Just so you know: I've not posted anything yet due to wondering if I really have anything to say that's blog-worthy . . .

In the interim, while I screw up my courage and decide just what it is I want to put out there, please visit my Ravelry page and my Flickr site, if you want to learn more about me.

Being a perfectionist, starting something like this is a bit intimidating . . .
No. Actually, it's terrifying. I once told my therapist that there were just two books that I wanted to own. One was entitled How To Do Everything Right and the other title was All The Answers.
Yeah. You're probably thinking the same thing she was.

So, I'm a big chicken when it comes down to doing something that I've never done beforebecause I want to do it well. Just attempting this is huge for me. I've read a lot of blogs out there and some of them are really amazing: wise, witty, and jam packed with wonderful insights and information. The bar is very high. And I hate looking like an idiot.

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